1990s Research

1990s Research:

Makeup in the 1990s was very varied and contained lots of different subcultures including heroin chic, grunge, indie, raves were still popular, and the Ibiza theme became very popular which meant that festivals were very popular.

Heroin chic was a look that consisted of pale skin, dark circles under the eyes and looking unhealthily skinny and almost emaciated. Some people described the models as looking skeletal and there was a public outcry as it glamourized drug use and eating disorders. Heroin became popular against middle classes and could be snorted rather than injected which removed some of the previous stigma, it was shown in fashion through unhealthily skinny models but also in films such as ‘Pulp Fiction’ and ‘Trainspotting’ (The Recovery Village, 2019). Some models that are famously known for this are Kate Moss, Jaime King, and Jodie Kidd and Calvin Klein were one of the most famous brands using heroin chic in their campaigns and many famous models posed for these campaigns. David Sorrenti was one of the most famous photographers who would take photographs of models who looked heroin chic but sometimes he would also photograph people who were heroin addicts at that time (The Recovery Village, 2019).

Ewan McGregor in ‘Trainspotting’ Kate Moss in 1990 – Getty Images

Heroin use was also portrayed through the grunge scene as there was many grunge musicians who used heroin including Courtney Love and Scott Wieland and it is believed that Kurt Cobain from Nirvana was using heroin when he committed suicide. The “concepts driving the grunge scene were about self-loathing and depression, and the idea of heroin use was that it allowed people to withdraw and escape from society” (The Recovery Village, 2019). Grunge makeup consisted of bold eyes and lips, the eyes were often dark and smokey on a pale base and this look was worn by many models who were part of the heroin chic look. To achieve a grunge look, glitter and shimmer should be avoided as the look was matte to give a “sense of angst, unease, and a sleepless night of live music and post-performance partying.” Grunge makeup mostly consisted of a matte pale base that was sometimes 2 shades lighter than your natural skin tone, dark eyeshadow, smudged black eyeliner on the upper and lower lash line and lipstick was matte with “dark red, burgundy, blue-gray or russet” being the most popular colours. Brows were often quite thin, but they weren’t very precise and would be filled in with a brow powder or pencil and a few coats of black mascara was used to finish the look (Chic Studios, 2017).  Space buns was an incredibly popular hairstyle linked to grunge and this could include all the hair of just half of the hair and the rest of it would have soft curls, short hair was also very popular with lots of people having undercuts and the hair was often quite messy overall with some volume. Braids were huge amongst the grunge scene with one of the most popular looks being the ‘faux hawk’ this consisted of the sides being braided with the rest of the hair having soft curls (The Right Hairstyles, 2020). 

‘90s Grunge Looks.
Supermodels such as Cindy Crawford and Naomi Campbell were the face of ‘90s beauty makeup, this makeup consisted of foundation that matched your skin tone, dark arched eyebrows and slight contour using blush that wasn’t too intense. The eyes were often an almond or cat eye shape and eyeliner was used to define the eyes with the eyeshadow quite natural and often just used to slightly define the crease, lipstick was also a natural nude colour with lip liner 1 shade lighter or darker than the lipstick (Chic Studios, 2020). From photographs we can determine that hair depended on the theme of the show, but curled or straight hair were the most popular styles. 
Cindy Crawford – 1990s

Gwen Stefani introduced Ska in the ‘90s which consisted of “a 1950s aesthetic with a touch of Eastern mysticism.” This look consists of thin arched brows filled in either black or brown and a dark eyeshadow to define the crease and black eyeliner to create a cat eye shape. False lashes and mascara were added along with a dark red lipstick, the finish could be glossy or matte and the look was finally finished with some face jewels (Chic Studios, 2020).

Gwen Stefani – 1990s

Raves made the smiley face extremely popular as it was the symbol on things such as acid tablets. Makeup worn at raves was heavily based on hip hop and this included lots of bright neon colours and festival makeup involved more natural makeup with lots of jewellery and fake flowers, festivals such as Creamfields became extremely popular.

‘90s Rave Makeup  

Double Denim was also a popular trend in the ‘90s with lots of people wearing acid wash jeans with a denim jacket. 

Drew Barrymore – 1991 – Rex Features

Heroin was the most used drug of the ‘90s and films such as ‘Trainspotting’ showed the reality of drug abuse including withdrawals and they showed scenes of someone going through withdrawals, symptoms of drug withdrawals include:

Physical withdrawal symptoms include: (Priory Group, 2020)

  • ·                 Nausea and vomiting
  • ·                 Diarrhoea
  • ·                 Muscle and bone pain
  • ·                 High temperature and/or chills
  • ·                 Fatigue and exhaustion
  • ·                 Restlessness
  • ·                 Vivid, unpleasant dreams
  • ·                 Flu-like symptoms
  • ·                 Headaches
  • ·                 Heart palpitations
  • ·                 Excessive sweating
  • ·                 Shaking and shivering

Psychological withdrawal symptoms include: (Priory Group, 2020)

  • ·                 Depression
  • ·                 Anxiety
  • ·                 Paranoia
  • ·                 Insomnia
  • ·                 Panic attacks
  • ·                 Confusion
  • ·                 Irritability and agitation
  • ·                 Difficulty focusing or concentrating
  • ·                 Intense cravings for the drug
  • ·                 Short-term memory loss

More severe withdrawal symptoms include: (Priory Group, 2020)

  • ·                 Rapid heart rate
  • ·                 Elevated body temperature
  • ·                 Extreme confusion
  • ·                 Uncontrollable shaking/shivering
  • ·                 Visual and/or auditory hallucinations
  • ·                 Seizures

There aren’t as many famous serial killers in the ‘90s as there was in the ‘70s and ‘80s but Jeffrey Dahmer murdered his last victim and was arrested in 1991. There were still lots of serial killers in the 1990s including Charles Cullen. He was a nurse in New Jersey, and he committed his first murder in 1988 but after killing 11 patients in the hospital in New Jersey he quit his job because the hospital began investigating who was tampering with the bags of intravenous fluid. He then began working at another hospital where he killed 3 women where he overdosed them on heart medication then began stalking a coworker but pleaded guilty when she filed a complaint, he then attempted suicide 3 times before the end of 1993. He became a nurse in Pennsylvania in 1994 and he killed 5 people in 1996 by overdosing people on medication and he was fired in 1997 for poor performance. He then went to A&E due to depression, but treatment didn’t help and his neighbours reported “he could be found chasing cats down the street in the dead of night, yelling or talking to himself, and making faces at people when he thought they weren't looking.” He continued to move around different hospitals and medical centres, overdosing patients on medication and giving patients medication that wasn’t needed until 2003 when he was arrested and will be in prison for the rest of his life (Murderpedia, No Date). 

Charles Cullen

Other serial killers include Wayne Adam Ford who sexually assaulted then murdered and mutilated at least 4 women, police found 7 women based on his information, but he was only convicted of murdering 4, the investigation began after he walked into a police station with a woman’s breast in his pocket (Murderpedia, No Date).

Wayne Adam Ford

Popular films from the ‘90s include: (Google, 2021)

  • ·                 Candyman (1992)
  • ·                 Pacific Heights (1990)
  • ·                 The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
  • ·                 10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
  • ·                 Edward Scissorhands (1990)
  • ·                 The Parent Trap (1998)
  • ·                 The Green Mile (1999)
  • ·                 The Witches (1990)
  • ·                 Hallowentown (1998)
  • ·                 Rush Hour (1998)
  • ·                 American Pie (1999)
  • ·                 IT (1990)
  • ·                 Clueless (1995)
  • ·                 Hocus Pocus (1993)
  • ·                 Of Mice and Men (1992)
  • ·                 Doctor Dolittle (1998)

The Nightmare Before Christmas – 1993 & Edward Scissorhands – 1990

Popular TV shows from the 1990s include: (Google, 2021)

  • ·                 Baywatch
  • ·                 Desmond’s
  • ·                 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
  • ·                 Full House
  • ·                 Buffy The Vampire Slayer
  • ·                 Charmed
  • ·                 Sabrina The Teenage Witch
  • ·                 Frasier
  • ·                 Friends
  • ·                 Angel
  • ·                 Law & Order
  • ·                 Birds of a Feather
  • Xena: Warrior Princess

Buffy The Vampire Slayer & The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air


The Recovery Village (2019) Heroin Chic Available at: https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/heroin-addiction/heroin-chic/ (Accessed: 10th January 2021)

Chic Studios (2017) Looks From the ’90s Available at: https://chicstudiosmakeup.com/a-chic-life/looks-from-the-90s/ (Accessed: 11th January 2021)

The Right Hairstyles (2020) 20 Easy Grunge Hairstyles for Killer Looks Available at: https://therighthairstyles.com/grunge-hairstyles/ (Accessed: 11th January 2021)

Priory Group (2020) Drug withdrawal Available at: https://www.priorygroup.com/addiction-treatment/drug-rehab/drug-withdrawal (Accessed: 12th January 2021)

Murderpedia (No Date) Charles Edmund Cullen Available at: https://murderpedia.org/male.C/c/cullen-charles.htm (Accessed: 12th January 2021)

Murderpedia (No Date) Wayne Adam Ford Available at: https://murderpedia.org/male.F/f/ford-wayne-adam.htm (Accessed: 12th January 2021)

Google (2021) What to watch – 1990s – Films Available at: https://www.google.com/search?bih=657&biw=1366&rlz=1C1NHXL_enGB712GB712&hl=en-GB&sxsrf=ALeKk03tOBxYoHnulJYKkXG2MmBjoIfNMQ%3A1610483938036&ei=4gj-X8DiAZWT8gKR3L0Q&q=popular+films+1990s&oq=popular+films&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAxgAMgQIIxAnMgsIABCxAxDJAxCRAjICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyBwgAEBQQhwI6BAgAEEc6BwgAEMkDEEM6BAgAEEM6CggAELEDEIMBEEM6CggAELEDEBQQhwI6BQgAELEDOgUIABCRAjoICAAQsQMQgwFQ1RdY6ihggDloAHACeACAAccGiAHNJZIBBzQtMi4wLjWYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6sAEIyAEIwAEB&sclient=psy-ab  (Accessed: 12th January 2021)

Google (2021) What to watch – 1990s – TV shows Available at: https://www.google.com/search?q=popular+tv+shows+1990s&source=lmns&bih=657&biw=1366&rlz=1C1NHXL_enGB712GB712&hl=en-GB&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi7zYOInpfuAhXV0oUKHXSlAG0Q_AUoAHoECAEQAA  (Accessed: 12th January 2021)


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