1970s Experimental Work Evaluation

 1970s Experimental Work Evaluation:

Makeup Design: 

This is a recreation of Andrea Hall for a film about the Toolbox Killers, she was their second victim and Bittaker had taken polaroid pictures of her before throwing her body off a cliff. She had her mouth taped then she was raped multiple times before being stabbed in both ears with an ice pick and she finally died while being strangled. This is to try different blood applications and to try to control the running mascara. 


The blood flowed really nicely and the mascara had started to run which means that it's accurate as it appears that she is bleeding from her ears and that she is crying. 

However, to improve I could use an arterial blood as this is the blood in the ear and is lighter than venous blood which would improve the accuracy and I could use a black water colour for the running mascara to make it run easier. I could also remove some mascara from the eyelids to prevent it covering the whole eyelid. 


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