2000s Makeup Evaluation


2000s Makeup Evaluation:

Makeup Design:

This makeup is an editorial look for a lip gloss advert in a teenage magazine.



This makeup works for editorial as the makeup works under intense, artificial, and natural lighting and it works well on camera, editorial techniques were also used such as the different textures and the even skin tone. This look would also work for film & TV; however, this wouldn't work for stage as the makeup isn't intense enough which means the details will be lost due to the distance, but I could make it work for stage by making the makeup more intense which would allow it to be seen.

This look fits the time period as the eyeshadow colour and application was accurate, the lips were very glossy and the blush was very intense, bronzer was also used to give the face a warm glow. The hair was also accurate as lots of people had very straight hair during this decade.

However, to improve I could use slightly more bronzer around the forehead, and I could also apply some to the arms to match the skin tone better.

Peer Assessment: Phebe & Drew

Phebe said that the makeup fit the time period really well and that it works for editorial, however, to improve I could add tan or bronzer to the arms to match the skin tone.

Drew said that I captured the time period amazingly well and that the makeup was beautiful, however, to improve I could use slightly more mascara to make my lashes longer.


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