Making my Decision

27th January 2021: Making my Decision 

 To make my decision, I started to think about films I like and makeup artists I like then I started to write down some characters as ideas. 

These are my initial ideas: 

After writing down some ideas I wrote which makeups were realistic for me to achieve with the skills and knowledge I already have. This helped me narrow down the list further and I picked the makeup that would push me the most, but I made sure I still had another makeup I could do if my idea didn't work. 

These are my notes on which makeups are practical for me to complete: 

I concluded that I would complete the Night King from Game of Thrones who is a White Walker and then I would complete the Beetlejuice makeup if I was unable to complete the Night King's makeup. 

These are my notes about my final decision: 

Following a meeting with my tutors I started to think about different ways I could complete the makeup and began to plan how I would experiment with different techniques. I also selected my model so that I could plan for my model. 

I wrote down what each makeup would consist of before I prepared to start experimentation. To prepare for this I created ear casts and a face cast of my model so that I am able to create prosthetics that will fit his face correctly when I practice the different techniques that I am considering.  

These are my notes about what each makeup would consist of:


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