Prosthetic and Prop Making


Prosthetic and Prop Making:

19th April 2021:

Today, after giving my presentation, I continued to demonstrate my practical skills by sculpting and creating prosthetics, I created the sculpt for my right eyebrow prosthetic, I then created flat moulds to create latex and silicone prosthetics. Flat moulds are used to create prosthetics which can be used for a variety of looks but flat moulds are mostly used to create wounds as they are often better for beginners when making prosthetics (Gorton Studios, No Date). Out of the kit work can be very hard to get the same every time the makeup is needed so prosthetics are used to give as they are all moulded using the same mould which makes it easier to get it the same and photographs are used to get the position the same as continuity is one of the most important factors in film along with realism. This also makes it easier to create larger pieces, for example, the pieces used in Planet of the Apes (The Iver Makeup Academy, 2018).

I also began creating the tin foil elements of my crown using a headband as the base support so that it wouldn't break as easily and it's not as heavy as Modroc so there's less chance of it falling off or breaking. 

20th April 2021:

Today, I continued creating my prosthetics, I started to sculpt my left eyebrow prosthetic and began making my latex prosthetics but I ran out of alginate so I will create my silicone prosthetics when this is available:

I then used my problem solving skills by spending the rest of the day sculpting my cheeks as this contained small elements and I measured them all against my models face to make sure they would fit her face which is important for my final look as if they were too big or small for her face, the look wouldn't work properly. 

Peer Assessment: 

Drew said that my clay sculpts were very thin and I had smoothed them out really well which means when I apply the prosthetics, they will have thin edges which will help them blend into the skin more seamlessly. 

I agree with this evaluation and I also believe that the clay sculpts being very thin can help with the realism of the prosthetics as this will prevent the prosthetics standing off the skin too much and this will also ease the blending process. 

21st April:

Today, I started to paper mache my crown to give it some stability and allow the shape to be a lot smoother, this will also prevent any of the tin foil moving while still being very light and it won’t fall or break under the pressure like something such as Modroc would:

I had lots of inspiration for my sculpting techniques as I looked at lots of different sources of how to create flat moulds including the tutorials on Gorton Studios, YouTube tutorials by ‘Freakmo’ and some other creators as well as looking on websites such as Hair and Makeup Artist Handbook but this video by ‘Egg Head FX’ on YouTube was my favourite source as it contained the most details which is perfect for beginners. Also, as I had mentioned during my developed ideas presentation, this crown was inspired by the personality traits that Scorpios are good leaders and the shape of the crown is inspired by the stingers of the scorpions. Finally, as I mentioned during my initial makeup ideas presentation, the cheek bones were inspired by the ones used in the live action Maleficent and that I would be using prosthetics for the eyebrows, this is because the prosthetics will make it easier to create the structure I had imagined, this will then mean it's more affective when applied as it will help the illusion that this is part of the natural face structure. 

Gorton Studios (No Date) Sculpting a Basic Flat Mould Appliance Available at: (Accessed: 9th January 2021)

YouTube – Freakmo (2016) Flat-Moulding and Casting the Infected Knee Tutorial | Freakmo and Powdah Collab Available at: (Accessed: 9th January 2021)

YouTube – Egg Head FX (2015) How to Make Prosthetic Transfers - Basic Sculpting #1 Available at: (Accessed: 9th January 2021)

Gorton Studios (No Date) Flat Moulds Available at: (Accessed: 9th January 2021)

The Iver Makeup Academy (2018) A guide to prosthetics in film Available at: (Accessed: 9th January 2021)


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